Tuesday, 25 October 2016



As a photographer I always get asked if I got the shot with the kids smiling... well... the answer is...not always.

Let's be realistic, kids will be kids.  And more often than not they will not smile on command, so my job is to make sure that we get at least a couple of good smiles.

Here's how to do just that.

The friend or parent that you bring along to get little Jimmy's attention is not actually helping.  In fact they are a distraction.  Little Jimmy doesn't know me the photographer but having Grandpa Bill standing behind me making funny faces and jingling keys vigorously over my head is not helping.
Why?  Because Grandpa Bill doesn't normally do this with little Jimmy, so he is confused and now a shy because Grandpa Bill is acting like a nut and the stranger is carrying some huge crazy contraction (my camera) that scares him.

So how do we fix this.  Bring Grandpa Bill along of course, but as a part of the session.  Leave the rest up to your photographer.  I always come prepared, whether with a toy or ready to play peek-a-boo or make silly faces.  It is how I get the little ones to trust me.  My biggest challenge however, is that once I have little Jimmy smiling the parents and siblings are usually making a funny face and looking away.

We as photographers hate that.  Parents....look at me.  We may only get one shot at getting the perfect family photo with everyone looking straight.  It's really quiet this simple.

I am a photographer not a Photoshop editor.  So if you ask me to photoshop something I will, but I'd rather get the perfect shot first and I think so would you.


1.  Don't over stimulate the child.  Too much of something is not always good.
2.  Make sure they get their naps in before a shoot.
3.  Make sure they have a meal or a snack before a shoot.
4.  Bring along their favourite toy.
5.  Don't be forceful or get upset.  The smiles will come, just listen to your photographer.

And that's all there is to it!  Hope this helped you prepare for your next session!

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Why Mini Sessions Make Sense

Why Mini Sessions Make Sense

Looking for family photos?  Your photographer has disappeared and now you have no idea who to hire to take memorable moments of your family?  
So of course where does everyone go to get information and referrals?  Facebook!  Facebook groups are and have become the be all and end all of photographer referrals.  Many a time I have been referred along with several other photographers.  And of course its a pigeon shoot-who has the best style, best deal, best props, most experience.  Where do you really even start?  It can become quiet frustrating not just for you as the client but for us as the potential photographer.
You don't know if photographer A, B, or C is the right choice for you and by the time you look at price lists you are so overwhelmed that you just skip this years photos all together or have Uncle Fred take it with your point and shoot.  Not the best photo but at least it is a photo to go on your wall.

Well I have the best solution for you...mini sessions.  Mini sessions are great for a few reasons.

1.  Affordable
2.  Most little Wee Bits can only handle about 20 minutes before they begin to get tired and overwhelmed and distracted.
3.  If you ultimately don't know the photographer, this is a great way to test out if they are truly good photographer and meet your standards and style of photography that you like.

It's important to have a good relationship with your photographer.  Thats always how the best photos come to life.  So take time to look for the following when choosing a mini session to test our your new photographer.

1.  How much experience do they have?- Experience isn't everything but it certainly is important for the quality of photos you will get back.  
2.  What type of camera do they own?  Not all photographers have professional grade cameras and while a Rebel can still take the photos, you want to make sure your photographer is a pro and take their job seriously.  That this is their living and not their hobby.
3.  Do they have referrals?  Don't kid yourself... referrals are important to know who you are giving your money too.  Do they get photos back within a timely manner and are they available to speak to without the fear of them disappearing with your money and photos?

A lot to think about at the end of the day, but definitely worth it, if you take your time to research the photographers listed and ask the questions.  And if you think great photos can't be taken in 20 minutes, have a look at these below.  A recent fall mini session right here in Brampton.  

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

And We Are Back!!!!

And we are back!

Looking forward to sharing tips on photography, special techniques and amazing memorable family photo sessions with you!